The Beast of the Fae Court Read online

Page 19

  “It’s true.” Finch shrugged and grinned, his eyes twinkling with glee. “The king had been more tolerable since you came to the palace, even more so today than before. I haven’t once had to talk him out of taking someone’s head, because his head is too full of you.”

  He pointed a finger at me, and I sighed in defeat, burying my head in my lap. I only languished that way for a moment. With a disbelieving shake of my head, I stood up.

  “Okay, alright. I will pretend that this makes any sense and go to this dinner of his. A date.” I sighed and laughed. “I’d always wanted to go on a date. I guess I never expected my first one to be with the king.”

  Finch and Odette laughed with me, then they went about helping me choose a dress for dinner. I had no clue what someone should wear on a date, let alone one with the king. We settled on a soft pink fabric that shimmered in the light. The dress Odette conjured up for me had a full skirt that swayed when I moved. Cinched at the waist, it curved up and over my breasts, leaving my shoulders and arms bare. They then picked out long elbow length gloves which I promptly removed the first moment they turned their backs on me.

  After that, Odette had a small man with squinty eyes, a large nose, and a scowl on his face do my hair. His name was Kit, and he was a golem. Not hard to figure out since his skin was the color of wet clay which looked as if it might slip down his face at any moment. I was hesitant to let him touch my hair after I spent so long washing it, but while he might look to be made of clay he didn’t leave bits of himself everywhere he went.

  “Wow,” I gasped at my hair after Kit was done, turning this way and that to get a look at the complicated up-do made of braids and beads. “You did a great job!”

  Kit stood back his arms over his chest as he nodded in the mirror behind me. “Yeah, it’ll do, but if you are planning any more appearances, I suggest you see me regularly so that I can keep your hair from getting into the mess it was before.”

  I ignored the dig at my hair and smiled fondly at him. “It means a great deal to me. The king will love it.”

  With a sniff, Kit sauntered away, leaving me alone in my room for the first time that day. Which, of course, meant that my nerves came back with a vengeance. What in all of Elphame was I getting myself into? Was I really going to go on a date with Balefire?

  Sure, he was attractive. He saved my life when he didn’t have to, and sometimes he was clever. Funny even.

  However, he also was a brute. A tyrant. And a down right bully.

  But since he almost died for me, he’d changed. He’d even apologized, something I never thought I’d see come from his mouth. Now, he wanted to honor me with a dinner. I shook my head, carefully not to mess up my hair as I paced back and forth in my room. I told Finch I’d go, but I didn’t promise that I would admit any sort of feelings for him. If I had any at all. I mean, he was just so... so irritating!

  A soft knock on my door interrupted my tirade. Marching over to it, I swung it open and snapped, “What?”

  Luke, the faun, stepped back, his eyes wide.

  “Oh, Luke, I thought you were someone else.” I stepped out into the hallway and offered him an apologetic smile. “Were you here to get me for dinner?”

  Luke cleared his throat and nodded. “Yes, the king has requested that you join him for dinner.”

  I eyed him for a moment, wondering if I should decline. I still could. Though I would have gotten all dressed up for nothing then. If this was a real date, the king would have come to me, not have a servant do it, but then again, he was the king. Who knew what he was thinking half the time? Kings ran on a different kind of rules for what was proper or not.

  I inclined my head and sighed. “Very well. Let’s get this over with.”

  Chapter 24


  Nerves danced across my hands and made them shake. I’d done everything I could to prepare for this night. I helped the kitchen make a meal I hoped would impress Ericka. My appearance in the kitchen had been a surprise for sure, but I assured them that I only wished to help.

  “Then you have to make sure that the top is golden brown before you pull it from the oven.” Jasmine said at my elbow. “See how the top is still a bit white?”

  “Yes.” I stared with intensity at the top of the pie that was taking an eternity to bake.

  “That means that it’s not done yet, and a quick tip?” I glanced over to Jasmine who grinned. “Staring at it won’t make it get done faster.”

  “Oh, right.” I straightened and moved away from the stove. Glancing around the kitchen, pride swelled in my chest at what we had accomplished. Not only had I prepared my own pie, but I had cut the vegetables and steeped them in a honeysuckle glaze. I’d beat goose meat into perfection, then, under Jasmine’s watchful eye, I grilled them over the fire until they were juicy and delicious. The other servants had gone about their own tasks after Jasmine had chastised them for staring. I guess I didn’t come down here enough for them to be used to my presence.

  I’d have to change that.

  Turning to Jasmine as I removed my apron from around my neck, I smiled. “I appreciate you letting me take over the kitchen today. I know it’s not something I usually do.”

  Jasmine placed her hands on her hips and looked over what we’d done. “Well, if you weren’t the king, I’d say you’d have a fine future in the culinary arts. As it is, I’m just happy you are doing this for Ericka. She needs a bit of happiness.” She turned to the counter and handed off some of the used dishes to the redheaded girl who’d spoken to me before. “She’s good for you, you know.”

  “What?” I gave her a sharp look.

  “Ericka.” Jasmine smiled softly. “We can all tell. While you started off rough, she’s changed you. For the better.”

  I shifted in place, uncomfortable with her words even as they made my insides sing. “I just hope she feels the same way.”

  “Humans are different than us, Your Majesty.” Jasmine placed a pale blue hand on my arm. “You can’t expect them to understand your feelings by your actions alone, especially with how you two started out.”

  “I know.” I frowned and dragged a hand through my hair. It came back covered in flour. Cooking was an adventure I’d never taken part in, but it seemed to be quite a messy one. I turned back to Jasmine. “I hope to change that tonight, but first, I have to get cleaned up. It wouldn’t do to show up to dinner like this.” I gestured to my flour and food splattered clothing.

  Jasmine chuckled along with some of the other ladies. “No, I suppose not.” She paused for a moment and then nodded. “You did good. She will be impressed.”

  “I hope so.”

  With those final words, I walked toward the kitchen doors. There wasn’t much time left before Luke would bring Ericka down. I would have to hurry if I wanted to be to dinner on time. Hurrying to my room, I bypassed Finch who had just stepped out of Ericka’s room.

  “Is she ready?” I asked hopefully.

  “Yes, as ready as she’ll ever be.” Finch’s brows rose as he took a look at my attire. “You, however, could use some work.”

  I grinned. “I know. I’m late.”

  “Well, don’t let me keep you on my account.” Finch waved me off, and I rushed to my room. His voice stopped me at the door though. “Though I would caution you to be upfront about this dinner when she arrives. She had no idea you thought of this as a date.”

  I sighed and shook my head. “I’ve already been told off by Jasmine. I don’t need a scolding from you as well.”

  “I’m just saying—”

  I cut him off. “Did I stop being king, and now everyone thinks it’s their job to tell me what I’m doing wrong?”

  “Since you fell for a common human.” Finch snorted and laughed. “No one wants to see that poor girl hurt. Least of all by you.”

  I frowned, remembering how I’d almost done permanent damage to Ericka. With grief in my heart, I murmured, “I would never hurt her. Not like that, not ever again.” />
  “I know that, but she doesn’t.” Finch stepped up behind me and patted my back. “That’s what this dinner is for. To put the past behind you and start anew. Now, go clean up before she thinks you stood her up.”

  Huffing, I raced into my room and discarded my clothes so quickly that I was sure I had torn something in two. Then I took the quickest bath of my life, not even waiting for the water to warm. I used the heat of my hand to dry my hair into some semblance of order and then pulled out my very best suit for the occasion: a jacket of pale blue with gold lining and matching buttons, laid over a white shirt and dark blue pants. I pulled my ebony black knee high boots on and stared at myself in the mirror. The clock struck six. I scowled at my reflection. It would have to do.

  As I pulled the bedroom door open, I caught sight of Luke standing at Ericka’s door his hand poised to knock. Damn, I was late. I rushed out of my room and down the hallway before Ericka could answer the door. I took the stairs three at a time and then jumped the last set, earning me a curious and appalled looks from those left wandering around the palace. I waved them off with a sheepish grin and walked stiffly to the dining room.

  Jasmine and her helpers were just putting the final plates out and lighting the candles. When they saw me, the other servants scattered, but Jasmine stayed behind.

  “What do you think?” she crossed her arms and looked over the table.

  “It looks...” I frowned as I saw the two place settings on the opposite side of the table from one another. “Wrong. All wrong.”

  “Wrong? How?” she sputtered, searching for what I saw.

  Not telling her what it was, I went to the end of the table and picked up Ericka’s plate. Walking to the other side, I placed it down next to mine. Realization covered Jasmine’s face, and she hurried to move the rest of the place setting to where I’d moved the plate.

  “I suppose you can’t very well woo her if she’s five feet away.” Jasmine winked and grinned. Ericka’s voice and the distinct sound of footsteps coming closer pulled both of our attention to the doorway. “I’ll just be in the kitchen. Good luck!”

  Jasmine ducked into the kitchen just as Ericka looking a vision walked through the door, looking like a vision made real. Luke stopped behind her and bowed deeply to me before he too disappeared into the kitchen. Ericka glanced to where Luke disappeared and then back to where I stood. Her mouth fell open, and her eyes widened a fraction as she took in the food and, I hoped, me.

  “Wow, Jasmine and the others did a great job.” Ericka moved slowly into the room, her fingertips trailing across the table cloth. She took note of the seating arrangement and stopped. “I’ll have to thank them after this.”

  “I already did.” I approached her and took her hand in mine before drawing her over to her chair. She allowed me to lead her to her seat and push the chair in. Then, after taking my seat at the head of the table, I shifted in my seat. “Jasmine and the others helped me put this together. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without them.”

  “You... cooked? And you thanked them?” Her mouth fell open slightly and then she caught herself, clamping her mouth shut. “I guess you are full of surprises.”

  Silence fell over the table as we both tried to figure out what to say next. I had planned this dinner, and while I had impressed her, I was at a loss of what to do next. Thankfully, I didn’t have to figure it out yet.

  Luke and another girl I didn’t know came into the dining room. They began serving us from the dishes and filling our cups with pixie wine. I took a long drink of it for the extra boost of confidence, and as I sat my cup down, I turned to Ericka.

  “Have I told you have absolutely ravishing you look?”

  Ericka flushed and looked down at her plate. “No, you haven’t. Odette did a great job.”

  I placed my hand on hers, and she stiffened. Not letting it dissuade me, I urged her to look up at me.

  “No, it’s you. Odette might have made the dress, but only you could look the way you do in it. Only you could...” I trailed off as the words caught in my throat.

  “Only I could... what?” she prompted me, sliding her hand further into mine. When I didn’t answer right away, she squeezed my hand. “I know you’re used to getting what you want with a snap of your fingers, but you’re going to have to give me a bit more than just saying I look nice.”

  “I believe I said ravishing, not nice.” I held her gaze as she smiled.

  “That you did.” Releasing my hand, she picked up her fork and tried a piece of the goose. A low moan came from her lips, making my cock harden immediately. “This is really good.”

  “I’m glad you think so,” I replied as I cut into my own food. “I really wanted to impress you.”

  “You did?” Her brows lifted, and then her eyes narrowed. “Why?”

  I let my lips curl up into a smile. “It’s not a secret how I feel about you, Ericka Burner.”

  She laughed, a sound that made my pulse race and my need to kiss her greaten. “To everyone else it seems but not to me.” She gestured to the table with her fork. “You have yet to explain any of this to me.” She then settled me with an inquiring stare. “Is this a date?”

  I choked on my wine at her question. Coughing, I sat my cup down and turned to her.

  “I hadn’t called it such, but yes, I had hoped this would be a date. One of many in fact. If... you want to, that is?”

  Ericka flushed at the intensity of my gaze, her eyes darting down to her plate. “Well, I don’t know, Your Maj—I mean, Balefire. We haven’t exactly been on the best of terms... ever. Why would you even want to date me?”

  I was silent for a moment as I thought of the right words. Then I turned to her and took her hands in mine.

  “I was wrong to treat you the way I did. I didn’t know what my heart was telling me at the time or what Finch was.” I laughed. “The bastard knew how I felt about you before I did.”

  “And how’s that? How do you feel about me?”

  Shifting my chair closer to her, I reached out and tucked a stray hair over her ear.

  “You’re smart, witty, and make a damn good pie,” I began, starting with the easy things to recount. “You’re also a right pain in the ass, but you never play games with me. You say exactly how you feel when you feel it the consequences be damned.” I paused as I watched her expression. “It’s refreshing to have someone so completely open in a world full of fae who skip around their words and feelings because they want to keep the upper hand. I have never met a woman, fae or human, like you, Ericka Burner.”

  Ericka was quiet for a long time as her thoughts swirling over her face. When the second part of my surprise came in, a quartet of musicians, her expression changed. A soft melody filled the room, and something changed on Ericka’s face. What it was, I couldn’t tell.

  “Come,” she stood and pulled me up by my hand. “Let’s dance.”


  I stared down at her as she placed her hand on my shoulder and guided my other hand to her waist. I hadn’t been this close to her, in such an intimate setting before. I was having a hard time thinking straight. We moved to the music with only a few inches between us. Each of us seemed unsure if we should close the distance. While I had high hopes for this evening, we were moving in the right direction. I just had to make her see how genuine my feelings were. I hadn’t been able to say it to myself yet, let alone to her, but I knew what Finch and everyone else in the palace seemed to know.

  I loved her.

  I loved everything about Ericka Burner. The human who had insulted me at every turn. Put a pie in my face at our first meeting. She had this undeniable fight in her that made me want to keep her close. Not to mention how her eyes lit up when she tasted something delicious or the small sounds she made when something was beyond her taste buds, her words not mine. I wanted to know everything about her. To catch up on what I’d missed because of my own stupidity.

  To my surprise, while I was thinking, Ericka had b
een having her own battle inside of herself. Her battle apparently went somewhere good because she closed the distance between us and placed her head on my chest. My heart skipped a beat. I held my breath as I held her closer.

  We danced for a long time before the quartet finally stopped. Ericka pulled back from me, but before she could go back to her seat, I gave her hand a small tug and drew her closer. Leaning down, I searched her face for any sign that she would object before I lowered my face.

  As I closed my mouth over hers, it was like I’d been waiting for my whole long life for this moment. She sighed into the kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck as she pulled me closer. I vaguely heard the quartet leaving, but I ignored them, only having eyes for her.

  I cupped the back of her neck, sliding my tongue across her lips. Opening up to me, she tentatively touched her tongue with mine. A fire ignited inside of me, and I kissed her deeper, pressing her as close to me as I could and still it wasn’t enough.

  Ericka responded in kind. Not pushing me away, but tugging on my jacket, sliding her hands beneath it to feel my chest beneath my shirt. I withdrew from her, my eyelids heavy as I stared down at her. Her lips were puffy, and her eyes were hooded. Her desire permeated the air and I sucked in a breath.

  My hands clenched at her hips and neck, not sure if she wanted to continue or if I should leave it at that. Ericka had her own ideas.

  A glance back at the dinner, she then smiled up at me, a seductive smile that I’d never thought in a million years I’d see on her face. She took one of my hands and led me out of the dining room. We exchanged secretive looks and once stopped in an alcove to kiss again. By the time we made it to my bedroom, neither of us could wait any longer.

  Clothes were discarded and hands roamed. Her skin was softer than I ever imagined. Her taste just as sweet as the pixie wine we’d drank at dinner. As I lowered her to the bed, I feared I wouldn’t last long once I was inside of her.

  “You drive me crazy,” I murmured to her as I took in her nude form. “I never knew someone could fill my mind so completely until you.”