The Beast of the Fae Court Read online

Page 15

  "Blah, blah, yes, yes, I will pay." I waved her off with an annoyed sigh. Finch stood at my side looking just as annoyed as me but slightly more worried. The banshees could be a problem if they got away, but I wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

  "You dare interrupt me!" Hester cried out, and then threw her head back and let out a long wail.

  I gripped my ears and fell to my knees, my pain and irritation morphing into rage. A nearby guard handed me a pair of earbuds, and as I shoved them into place, I stood.

  "You have broken your contract by attacking the locals where you were, graciously I might add, given sanctuary,” I growled as my fingers curled into fists. “As per the contract, you have forfeited your life." I lifted my hand before me, aiming in the direction of the six banshees. "A sentence that will be delivered, now."

  I funneled my rage into my chest. From there, my magic swelled and trailed up my arm. Fire burst from my hand and engulfed the six banshees. Their cries of pain rang out through the room, dulled to my plugged ears. No one came to their aid. No one even batted an eye at their suffering. They had broken the law and had to pay for it. Such was the way of our kind.

  Except for Ericka.

  She had broken many a law, and still she lived. Some might call me insane. Enamored. And maybe I was. If I was under anyone's spell, it would be Ericka’s, and I planned to tell her that very thing once I found her. If I found her. Those were my thoughts as I slumped onto my throne, the servants cleaning up what remained of the banshees.

  “When did things get so complicated, Finch?”

  Finch glanced away from the clean up to me. Arching a brow, he smirked. “In what way, Your Majesty?”

  “I remember the days where the worst of my worries was what noble emissary from the other courts were plotting a royal wedding.” I waved a hand at the wreckage. “Now, I’m dealing with banshee outbreaks, Shirazan’s jealousy, and...”

  “And a certain human who seems as crazy about you as you are about her.” Finch stared off at the servants working with a secretive look on his face.

  “What?” I leaned to the side to look at him. “What are you talking about?”

  “Oh, she didn’t tell you?” Finch’s gaze turned back to me amusement twinkling in his eyes. “I ran into Ericka earlier, and she was determined to talk to you. I swore by now you two would have been entangled in sheets when I came to find you.” He frowned. “Why weren’t you? Did you mess it up again?”

  “When don’t I when it comes to that woman?” I grunted before I shook my head with an ironic laugh.

  “What happened? Didn’t you talk to her?” Finch shifted completely to face me now, real worry etching his features.

  “Oh, she came to see me alright.” I sighed and rubbed a hand over my face. “Talk? Not so much. And as far as enamored with me goes, if you count wanting to poison my food counts as love, then she has it in spades.”

  “I think I’m missing something here.”

  “Quite a few things actually,” I murmured and shifted in my seat. “The most recent being she saw me with Shirazan.”

  “She saw you two?” Finch’s bows rose and then they narrowed as he glared at me. “I hope you mean, she saw you kicking that hot-headed back stabbing dragon to the trenches and not what I think you mean.”

  With a depressing groan, I sank further into my throne. “Not so much.”

  “Balefire!” Finch cried out, causing the servants and guards around us to glance our way in alarm. My advisor wisely lowered his voice then. “You were not fucking that harpy while you are in love with Ericka.”

  I held my hands up and pushed him out of my personal space. “First of all, who is king here? Secondly, of course not. And thirdly, I never said I was in love with her.”

  Finch snorted, shaking his head. “You may be king, but you are still so young it kills me.” With a huff of annoyance, he asked, “Well, where is she now? You might have enough time to fix it before she completely shuts you out.”

  I lifted a shoulder and frowned. “Hell, if I know.”

  Chapter 19


  Getting my bags packed wasn’t a problem. I'd never unpacked from the first time I tried to run. It was as simple as grabbing the bag from the bottom of my wardrobe and then fleeing down the hallway before Balefire could follow after me.

  My breathing heavy, I made my way to the kitchen. When I pushed the revolving door open, my heart sank. They were cleaning up from preparing dinner and singing a song together as they worked, something that I had enjoyed greatly after I was finally allowed to be with them. This was something else that Balefire had taken from me.

  As I pushed back the tears that threatened to fall, I forced myself to walk slowly into the kitchen, even as I wanted to rush in and throw myself at Jasmine. I didn't want them to know anything was wrong.

  "Hey, Ericka." Sybil glanced up from the dishes she was washing with a smile. "What are you doing back down here? I thought you were given the night off of cleaning duty?"

  I smiled back, but it was forced. "I was."

  "Then what are you doing back here?” Jasmine turned from where she was instructing the others on tomorrow’s menu and frowned, her hands on the swell of her hips. “I swear, you are a glutton for punishment. You just can't stop working, can you?"

  I shrugged as I tucked a hair behind my ear. "What can I say? Idle hands and all that." Shifting on my feet as they stared at me, I moved further into the kitchen. "Actually, I'm not here to work."

  Sybil frowned, lifted her hands out of the water, and dried them off on a towel. She and Jasmine walked toward me followed by Daphne and Margie. Sybil placed a hand on my arm, her brows drawn together with concern.

  "Hey, what's wrong?"

  Chewing on my lower lip, I offered her a weak smile. "I have to go home for a while, and I wanted to say goodbye."

  "Home?" Jasmine took up the space on my other side, her eyes skimming my face for any signs of an answer. "Why? What happened?"

  "Nothing.” I shook my head and stepped out of their reach. “I just got word from my mother." I didn’t like lying to them, but it was for their own good. I didn’t want to put them in more danger by asking for their help. I pushed the words out in a rush. "My father is sick, and they fear he won't last the week. I want to be there for him before he..."

  "No, no. Of course, we understand." Jasmine drew me into a tight embrace. "We wish you safe travels and health to your father and mother." Tears burned my eyes as she held me.

  "Thank you.” I nodded weakly. “Thank you so much for everything Jasmine. I know we didn't start out on the best of terms, but I think of you as one of my best friends."

  "Ah, now look what you've done," Jasmine simpered, releasing me to wipe at her eyes. "Go on with you before you cause us all to start blubbering.

  I nodded and turned to Sybil. "I'm sorry I got you into so much trouble. I really—"

  "Nonsense." Sybil cut me off with a hug. "It's all in the past. Go take care of your family, and we'll see you when you come back. You are coming back right?"

  I paused and then breathed out, "Yes, I'll see you again. I promise."

  It wasn't a lie, not really. I did hope to see them again one day but not as one of them. Perhaps, I'd travel some. See Elphame like I always dreamed of. Then, after some time has passed and the king has found someone else to be obsessed over, I could come back. I hoped.

  After I said my goodbyes, I walked toward the stables. There had to be a carriage on its way out to Boggsville or at least anywhere but here. I could find my way back home after I got off the palace grounds. It would be harder to find me if I was gone. A familiar silvery coat and translucent head of hair stood near a carriage being packed.

  "Cailean!" I called out, hustling over to the half kelpie's side. "Please tell me that you are leaving soon."

  Cailean's irisless eyes found me and a broad smile showed his sharp teeth. "Ericka Burner. It is good to see you." His eyes found my bag, and his lips
turned down. "Leaving so soon?"

  "Yes, things didn't exactly work out.” I gripped my bag to my chest. That was an understatement. “Can you give me a ride?"

  Understanding crossed Cailean’s features, and he inclined his head. "Yes, but we're headed to Springdale on the border of the Summer Court. I'm afraid we won't be stopping in Boggsville any time soon, but it is on our course to pass by, if you don't mind riding along."

  "I don't," I said quickly and then paused to smile. "I mean, I'm alright with a road trip. I've always wanted to see more of the Spring Court. Might as well do it while I'm young."

  "My sentiments exactly." Cailean grinned, and his hand went to the carriage door, the other held out to me. "After you, m'lady."

  Taking his offered hand, I climbed into the carriage as he opened the door. It was much smaller than the one I'd come in with the king. Not that I'd gotten a chance to ride in it. Though, I was sure riding inside would be a good bit better than riding up front. Even if the seats didn't have much cushion.

  "We'll be leaving in just a moment. Make yourself comfortable."

  I nodded at Cailean in thanks and shifted into my seat.

  "Are you coming along too?" a young human woman with a snaggle toothed smile asked, her straw-colored hair braided in a crown around her head. "It'll be nice to have the company. I'm Bea." She held her freckled hand out to me.

  I shook her outstretched hand and nodded. "Ericka."

  Cailean banged on the top of the carriage to signal our departure, and a moment later, we were off. The carriage jolted and bumped along the pathway, and my stomach rolled. Maybe it wasn't much better than the outside.

  "So..." Bea’s eyes dipped to my bags and then to my face. "What are you running from?" She pronounced her r's with a growl, and there was a lilt to her voice that I couldn't place.

  I hugged my bag to my lap and tucked my hair behind my ear, avoiding her gaze. "What makes you think I'm running?"

  Bea laughed, a full-throated sound that included snorting. "I might be slow but I'm not daft. I know the look of a girl on the run. Was it a man or something else?"

  I shifted in my seat, wincing as we hit a rather rough bumps in the road. "I don't want to talk about it."

  "Ah," Bea drew out with a wink. "A man then. Come now, who was he?"

  Seeing that I wasn't going to get out of talking to my unlikely companion for the duration of my trip, I tried to give her as little information as possible. "A fae."

  "That's it then? All I get?" she chastised, and then mockingly said, "A fae. Bah, come on. There's got to be more to it than that. Did he bed you then leave you? Let me guess. He promised you riches beyond your imagination except what he really meant was riches of the heart and not of the pocket variety." She rubbed her fingers together with a grin.

  "No." I said flatly. When she continued to grin at me, I sighed and gave up. "Honestly, he made my life at the palace a living hell except the couple of times that he was actually..." I dragged off not wanting to complete the sentence. "Any way, he went too far this time and I'm not going to take it anymore. So, I'm going home."

  Bea leaned back in her chair and pursed her lips, watching me curiously. "What makes you think he won't come after you?"

  I shrugged. "I don't but I have to try. I'm not special enough for him to make the effort. Besides, he has a kingdom to run." Bea's eyes widened and I realized what I'd said. Covering my mouth as I shook my head, I tried to fix it. "That's not what I meant. It's not the king. I mean, damn it all to hell and back. Just forget what I just said okay. Please?" I winced, begging with all my heart.

  Unfortunately, Bea was not one so easily dissuaded. "It's you!" She pointed a finger at me with glee. "You're that kitchen girl who has the king's crown jewels all in a twist. Oh, my gods. I'm so excited to meet you!" She practically vibrated in her seat at the information.

  "You've heard of me?" I cringed, not liking that someone I didn't even know until today knew who I was, if not by name but by association with the king.

  "Of course, I do! Everyone in the palace was talking about it. I only work in laundry but even we hear tidbits. About how he picked you out of all the other cooks because you threw a pie in his face. About how he loved your pie so much that he brought you home with him." She wagged her brows suggestively making me groan. "I even know that your room is in the same hallway as his. He doesn't let any servants let alone humans live that close to him! You must really be special."

  I leaned my elbow on the carriage window and slapped my chin into my hand. "Oh, yeah. So lucky. I'm rolling in it as you can see."

  Bea's happiness dimmed a bit. "Come now, it can't be all that bad. Everyone from here to the Winter Court is dying to catch the eye of King Balefire. I bet he is quite the wicked lover, isn't he?" She winked like we had a secret.

  I felt bad for the girl. I was about to burst her little sex filled dreams about the so-called king. "Actually, I wouldn't know. We've never even kissed let alone had sex. The only action we've ever gotten was him threatening me or trying to kill me. Which I guess could be considered foreplay if you look at it from a fae perspective." I laughed sadly.

  Bea placed a hand to her face, tapping her chin with her fingers. "Hmmm, that doesn't sound the king I'd heard about. Maybe you caught him on a bad day?"

  I let out a bitter chuckle. "A bad month perhaps." I took a deep breath and sighed. "Look, I know you want to think he's this damaged king who just wants to be loved but that's not the man, that's not the fae I've seen. Besides, he has Shirazan."

  She made a disgusted face. "The dragon? Ew."

  I laughed freely this time. "Not like that. She can turn humanoid. And they're...lovers, I guess?" My eyes went to the ceiling of the carriage and I shook my head. "I don't know. In any case, I don't want to be in the middle of it. Whatever it is. It's better for me to just leave."

  "But that's not going to fix the problem just delay it." Bea argued leaning forward to place a hand on my knee. "If you are as important to him as everyone keeps saying, he won't just let you disappear. He's going to come after you."

  I smiled darkly. "He'll have to find me first."

  As if waiting for me to say that very thing, there was a loud crack and then Bea and I were thrown to the side. The carriage leaned precariously on its side as we picked ourselves up off the floor of the carriage. Groaning, I rubbed my head and carefully peeked out the window.

  "Cailean? Is everything alright?"

  Cailean's translucent face appeared in the window, irritation pinched his face. "We broke a wheel. I'm afraid it's going to take a little while to fix."

  "Oh, no." I frowned placing a hand up to my face. "Should we go for help?" I looked to Bea for her thoughts.

  Bea glanced out the window and then slowly opened the door climbing out. The carriage swayed as her weight left the vehicle. Following suit, I inched my way to the door and stepped out onto the shimmering crystal paved road. A large blue crystal jutted out of the ground where the wheel was broken at the rim.

  "If I'm right there's a village just on the other side of those trees." Bea pointed toward the east where a bundle of glistening green and purple trees stood. "It's not a big village more like a hole in the wall but there should be someone there to at least help fix the wheel."

  Turning my attention to Cailean, I shrugged. "Better than nothing, I suppose."

  Cailean looked around and scratched the side of his head before shrugging as well. "Alright well, let's see what we can find."

  "What about the carriage?" I pointed to the luggage attached to it. "Someone might steal it."

  Waving me off, Cailean tapped the side of the carriage and a barrier glimmered around the whole of it. "Don't worry, it's spelled. Anyone who tries to steal from it will be in for a nasty shock."

  Satisfied, I walked toward the direction of the village. "Alright then, let's do this."

  Chapter 20


  It was dinner by the time I was able to get away to se
arch for Ericka. I tried to push it off onto Finch or even Bartholomew, but the Banshees were from the Winter Court and their queen was as frigid as their court. Nothing short of a personal letter from the king as well as a gift of apology for the inconvenience, which to her would be all the killing of a banshee coven would be. That too had to be handpicked.

  What did you give the Queen of an ice desert? An ice pick? Eventually, I settled on a blue and white rose from the royal gardens. My mother would have been pissed if she knew but I was in a hurry and wasn’t about to spend days finding the right gift.

  Finally done with my task, I could go about getting back on Ericka’s good side. If that were all possible. I’d really made a mess of things this time.

  Sitting at the dining table alone, I tapped my fork against the top of the table, impatiently hoping to see Ericka. I hoped by now the human had enough time to calm down from what happened with us before.

  How long did a human need to get over almost being fed to a dragon? A few hours? Days? I hoped it wouldn't take that long. Shirazan would make her move against Ericka soon, and I wanted to be sure she was with me before it happened.

  I hadn't heard from Shirazan since I left her in my room. I hadn't been back to my room either. I'd changed in Finch's room and wore one of his shirts which was a smidge too small and pulled across my chest muscles. Not that anyone has commented on it. I did notice that I had a lot more eyes on me since I put on Finch's skintight pants. The serving women in their crimson dresses were eyeing me from the side of the room. I didn't need to have enhanced sense of smell to tell that they were wafting pheromones all over the place.

  With an annoyed grunt, I turned my gaze back to the table. A roasted duck sitting in pixie tears and pineapple juice sat in the middle of the table. Honey and cinnamon glazed carrots sat in a bowl off to the side. The servants had tried to serve me, but I had waved them off, choosing to only drink the huckleberry fairy wine instead. My stomach was a mess. There was no way I could eat any of the food before I talk to Ericka, even if she had a hand in the food on the table. At least the wine was taking some of my edge off. Maybe I would hold my temper long enough to explain about Shirazan. Apologize for...well so many things.